October 29

Dont dress up like a Native American for halloween

Problem:   ¨It is not good the dress up as a Native American¨


Reasons: 1. Native Americans will be offended because you are not representing them the right way.

  1. Native Americans in the video said ¨My culture is not your costume¨
  2. Cultural Appropriation is putting down others’ culture by getting their traditions and ways of life wrong.
  3. Regalias are used in their culture celebrations
  4. Painting your face is offensive because they painted their faces to show respect to their tribe. 



  1. Talk to your kids about why it is not good to dress up like Native Americans.
  2. Explain to them how it would make Native Americans feel.
  3. That it makes Native Americans feel sad because people aren’t being respectful when they dress in the wrong way.
  4. Ask them how they would feel if someone dressed up like them and got it all wrong. They would feel sad and that they were being made fun of.



What would you feel like if someone dressed up like your culture for Halloween?Free Native American Art, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart Library