April 30

Never give up

If dogs move in an odd way while sleeping they are probably dreaming. in this story pip tried to lead someone threw an obstacle course stop food from falling and try again at the obstacle course. In the animated short pip the theme is never give up.

Early in the animated short Pip, the theme was never give up. Pip saw the bigger dogs pass him but he didn’t run even though he knew that he would have competition. Pip had to find a way to help himself  just to get in the academy because he was to short but he he went on his tippy toes and only his ear could touch.

At the middle of Pip, the theme was never give up. Pip tried to lead a person with a blindfold through the obstacle course because its an academy for dogs to learn how to lead blind people blind people. They have an maschine that the food falls from you push a button to start it and to stop it but Pip couldn’t reach the button to make the food stop so he had to get books to press the button.

At the end of  the animated short Pip, the theme was never give up. Pip succeeded at the obstacle course and was feeling motivated to keep going so he tried his best and did good for the rest but still had to leave except it good he had to leave. When pip was leaving he saw a blind person about to go in the road so he ran out slid under the gate and saved him so that he got on the wall with another hero dog named Ace.

Posted April 30, 2021 by jaxsen10 in category Uncategorized

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